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Bol. malariol. salud ambient ; 62(4): 631-646, 2022. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | WHO COVID, LILACS (Americas) | ID: covidwho-2299107


Tras el advenimiento de un nuevo patógeno denominado Sars-CoV-2, los esfuerzos iniciales centraron su atención en la contención del virus a fin de disminuir su transmisibilidad, contrarrestando los efectos patológicos, disminuyendo el impacto psicosocial. Al ser un peligro emergente de alcance global, que afectó todos los estratos y entornos de la sociedad, pueden existir determinantes polidimensionales emergentes, en lo social y laboral, que aún pueden ser desconocidas, las cuales pueden repercutir en la esperanza de vida de una población. Se realizó una búsqueda sistemática y posterior caracterización de las polidimensiones sociales y laborales que emergieron de forma directa o indirecta a consecuencia del Sars-CoV-2, y a la declaración de pandemia Covid-19, la cual impuso el aislamiento generalizado de la población mundial, como primera barrera de contención para evitar el contagio masivo, e indujo profundas transformaciones en todos los ámbitos y determinantes de la salud del ser humano. La dimensión social, conformada por los factores modo de vida, circunstancias materiales y relaciones humanas, presentó múltiples desafíos y cambios para adaptarse a las nuevas circunstancias de la vida en pandemia. De igual manera, la dimensión laboral, ampliamente afectada por la desestabilización de los mercados y la crisis económica circundante, tuvo que modificar sensiblemente cada uno de sus factores constituyente para sobrellevar el efecto del confinamiento generalizado, afectando la productividad de las organizaciones, los riesgos de transmisibilidad del virus, las alteraciones en los social, familiar, personal y de salud y las múltiples interacciones con sus factores determinantes(AU)

After the advent of a new pathogen called Sars-CoV-2, the initial efforts focused on containing the virus in order to reduce its transmissibility, counteracting the pathological effects, and reducing the psychosocial impact. Being an emerging danger of global scope, which affected all strata and environments of society, there may be emerging multidimensional determinants, in the social and labor spheres, which may still be unknown, and may affect the life expectancy of a population.A systematic search and subsequent characterization of the social and labor polydimensions that emerged directly or indirectly as a result of Sars-CoV-2, and the declaration of the Covid-19 pandemic, which imposed the generalized isolation of the world population, was carried out as the first containment barrier to prevent massive contagion, and induced profound transformations in all areas and determinants of human health. The social dimension, made up of lifestyle factors, material circumstances, and human relationships, presented multiple challenges and changes to adapt to the new circumstances of life in a pandemic. Similarly, the labor dimension, widely affected by the destabilization of the markets and the surrounding economic crisis, had to significantly modify each of its constituent factors to withstand the effect of generalized confinement, affecting the productivity of organizations, the risks of transmissibility of the virus, alterations in social, family, personal and health conditions and the multiple interactions with its determining factors(AU)

Psychosocial Impact , SARS-CoV-2 , Social Conditions , Health , Risk , Environment
Estudos Feministas ; 30(3), 2022.
Article in Portuguese | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-2197522


O presente artigo analisa os impactos da pandemia de Coronavírus e a agência das mulheres na sociedade civil e política em seu enfrentamento na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. O artigo está estruturado em três seções. A primeira analisa o impacto da pandemia às mulheres e apresenta dados específicos sobre o Rio de Janeiro. A segunda seção investiga os impactos específicos às mulheres faveladas e apresenta ações de enfrentamento na sociedade civil. Por fim, a terceira seção avalia a ação das parlamentares na Assembleia Legislativa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro e na Câmara Municipal do Rio de Janeiro. Foram utilizados dados referentes à produção legislativa e entrevistas com lideranças de favelas da cidade. Conclui-se que, num cenário em que o Poder Executivo esteve muitas vezes ausente, coube às mulheres na sociedade civil e no parlamento, as principais iniciativas de combate aos efeitos perversos da pandemia.Alternate : This article analyzes the impacts of the coronavirus pandemic and women's agency on civil and political society in their confrontation in the city of Rio de Janeiro. The article is structured in three sections. The first one analyzes the impacts of the pandemic on women and presents specific dataabout Rio de Janeiro. The second section investigates the specific impacts on women in the slums andpresents actions to confront civil society. Finally, the third section evaluates the action of state deputiesin the Legislative Assembly of the State of Rio de Janeiro and in the City Council of Rio de Janeiro. Data on legislative production in both houses and interviews with favela leaders in the city were used. It is concluded that, in a scenario where the Executive Power was often absent, women in civil society and in parliament lead the main initiatives to combat the perverse effects of the pandemic.Alternate : Este artículo analiza los impactos de la pandemia de coronavirus y la agencia de las mujeres desde la sociedad civil y política en su enfrentamiento en la ciudad de Río de Janeiro. El artículo está estructurado en tres apartados. El primero analiza el impacto de la pandemia en las mujeres y presenta datos específicos sobre Río de Janeiro. La segunda sección investiga los impactos específicos sobre las mujeres de los barrios marginales y presenta acciones de enfrentamiento desdela sociedad civil. Finalmente, el tercer apartado evalúa la actuación de los diputados estatales en la Asamblea Legislativa del Estado de Rio de Janeiro y en el Ayuntamiento de Rio de Janeiro. Se utilizaron datos sobre la producción legislativa en ambas cámaras y entrevistas con líderes de favelasde la ciudad. Se concluye que, en un escenario donde el Poder Ejecutivo estuvo a menudo ausente, las acciones de mujeres en la sociedad civil y en el parlamento fueron las principales iniciativas para combatir los efectos perversos de la pandemia

Cuidar en tiempos excepcionales: resultados del estudio CUIDAR sobre la pandemia de COVID-19 en Chile ; 5(1):1-22, 2022.
Article in English | Academic Search Complete | ID: covidwho-2187948


This article presents some results of "CUIDAR;study on times, forms, and spaces of care at home during the pandemic," a research project that explored how the pandemic and the subsequent policies implemented by the Chilean government transformed and disrupted the spatialities, temporalities, and practices of care within the households. To do so, we designed a web survey that draws inspiration from care theories emerging from the field of Science and Technology Studies or STS. Such an approach allowed thinking about care as a more-than-human affair that goes beyond a particular moral stance and corresponds more with a doing anchored in the entanglements of human and non-human actors. Data gathered revealed the appearance of new actors while stressing that care is much too relevant and complex to only rest upon specific household members – namely women – who are left to their own devices since policies implemented seem to be unable to support them in the tasks of caring for themselves and others. (English) [ FROM AUTHOR]

Bol. malariol. salud ambient ; 62(4): 631-646, 2022. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | WHO COVID, LILACS (Americas) | ID: covidwho-2146870


Tras el advenimiento de un nuevo patógeno denominado Sars-CoV-2, los esfuerzos iniciales centraron su atención en la contención del virus a fin de disminuir su transmisibilidad, contrarrestando los efectos patológicos, disminuyendo el impacto psicosocial. Al ser un peligro emergente de alcance global, que afectó todos los estratos y entornos de la sociedad, pueden existir determinantes polidimensionales emergentes, en lo social y laboral, que aún pueden ser desconocidas, las cuales pueden repercutir en la esperanza de vida de una población. Se realizó una búsqueda sistemática y posterior caracterización de las polidimensiones sociales y laborales que emergieron de forma directa o indirecta a consecuencia del Sars-CoV-2, y a la declaración de pandemia Covid-19, la cual impuso el aislamiento generalizado de la población mundial, como primera barrera de contención para evitar el contagio masivo, e indujo profundas transformaciones en todos los ámbitos y determinantes de la salud del ser humano. La dimensión social, conformada por los factores modo de vida, circunstancias materiales y relaciones humanas, presentó múltiples desafíos y cambios para adaptarse a las nuevas circunstancias de la vida en pandemia. De igual manera, la dimensión laboral, ampliamente afectada por la desestabilización de los mercados y la crisis económica circundante, tuvo que modificar sensiblemente cada uno de sus factores constituyente para sobrellevar el efecto del confinamiento generalizado, afectando la productividad de las organizaciones, los riesgos de transmisibilidad del virus, las alteraciones en los social, familiar, personal y de salud y las múltiples interacciones con sus factores determinantes(AU)

After the advent of a new pathogen called Sars-CoV-2, the initial efforts focused on containing the virus in order to reduce its transmissibility, counteracting the pathological effects, and reducing the psychosocial impact. Being an emerging danger of global scope, which affected all strata and environments of society, there may be emerging multidimensional determinants, in the social and labor spheres, which may still be unknown, and may affect the life expectancy of a population.A systematic search and subsequent characterization of the social and labor polydimensions that emerged directly or indirectly as a result of Sars-CoV-2, and the declaration of the Covid-19 pandemic, which imposed the generalized isolation of the world population, was carried out as the first containment barrier to prevent massive contagion, and induced profound transformations in all areas and determinants of human health. The social dimension, made up of lifestyle factors, material circumstances, and human relationships, presented multiple challenges and changes to adapt to the new circumstances of life in a pandemic. Similarly, the labor dimension, widely affected by the destabilization of the markets and the surrounding economic crisis, had to significantly modify each of its constituent factors to withstand the effect of generalized confinement, affecting the productivity of organizations, the risks of transmissibility of the virus, alterations in social, family, personal and health conditions and the multiple interactions with its determining factors(AU)

Psychosocial Impact , SARS-CoV-2 , Social Conditions , Health , Risk , Environment
Hallazgos ; 19(38), 2022.
Article in Spanish | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-2145565


El presente artículo indaga por la recurrencia de las pandemias en la sociedad contemporánea y sus impactos, a propósito de la emergencia sanitaria experimentada en el mundo por cuenta de la pandemia del Covid-19 en Colombia y el mundo. Para tal fin, se realiza un análisis del impacto de las pandemias con cierta trazabilidad histórica, seguido de una exploración teórica de la coyuntura actual, observada a través de la noción del eterno retorno planteada por el filósofo alemán Friedrich Nietzsche y las perspectivas de algunos filósofos contemporáneos acerca de este fenómeno que ha impactado la vida de todos los individuos y que, sin duda, sugiere enormes cambios y desafíos para el desarrollo de la vida futuraAlternate : This article investigates the recurrence of pandemics in contemporary society and their impacts, regarding the health emergency experienced in the world due to the Covid-19 pandemic in Colombia and the world. For this purpose, an analysis of the impact of pandemics with certain historical traceability is carried out, followed by a theoretical exploration of the current situation, observed through the notion of eternal return raised by the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche and the perspectives of some philosophers contemporaries about this phenomenon that has impacted the lives of all individuals and that, without a doubt, suggests enormous changes and challenges for the development of future life

Politics & Policy ; : 1, 2022.
Article in English | Academic Search Complete | ID: covidwho-2063917


Related Articles In recent years, the EU's ability to mobilize European citizens in its favor and counteract such phenomena as nationalism, populism, and “sovereignism” has significantly decreased. Consequently, the suggestion has been made that the EU's social dimension should be enhanced and its citizenship be made more salient in that regard. Such a suggestion has become even more topical after the COVID‐19 outbreak and the strain it has placed on the health‐care systems and economies of EU member states. Starting from a debate which addresses that suggestion, in this article I argue that, before attempting to enhance its social dimension, the EU should first try to strengthen its still weak political foundations in order to cope with its predicament. The article also shows that this move would be consistent with the rationale behind the European integration process, where economic issues were originally regarded as only means to achieve an ever‐closer political union.Barrault‐Stella, Lorenzo, and Thomas Douniès. 2021. “Introduction to the Special Issue: Citizenship as a Tool of Government in Europe.” Politics & Policy 49(4): 824–41., Benjamin. 2021. “Citizenship as a Form of Anticipatory Obedience? Implications of Preventive Health Policy in Germany.” Politics & Policy 49(4): 891–912., Mark K., Donna L. Lybecker, and Kacee A. Garner. 2010. “The Story of Good Citizenship: Framing Public Policy in the Context of Duty‐Based versus Engaged Citizenship.” Politics & Policy 38(1): 1–23.‐1346.2009.00226.x. (English) [ FROM AUTHOR] Mejorar la solidaridad entre los europeos: hacia una reevaluación política de la UE y su ciudadanía En los últimos años, la capacidad de la UE para movilizar a los ciudadanos europeos a su favor y contrarrestar fenómenos como el nacionalismo, el populismo y el “soberanismo” ha disminuido significativamente. En consecuencia, se ha sugerido que se mejore la dimensión social de la UE y que su ciudadanía se haga más prominente en ese sentido. Tal sugerencia se ha vuelto aún más actual después del brote de COVID‐19 y la presión que ha ejercido sobre los sistemas de salud y las economías de los estados miembros de la UE. Partiendo de un debate que aborda esa sugerencia, en este artículo sostengo que antes de intentar mejorar su dimensión social, la UE primero debería tratar de fortalecer sus bases políticas aún débiles para hacer frente a su predicamento. El artículo también muestra que esta medida sería coherente con la lógica detrás del proceso de integración europea, donde los asuntos económicos se consideraron originalmente como el único medio para lograr una unión política cada vez más estrecha. (Spanish) [ FROM AUTHOR] 加强欧洲人之间的团结:对欧盟及其公民身份进行政治重估 近年来,欧盟在动员欧洲公民的支持,并抵制民族主义、民粹主义和“主权主义”等现象方面的能力明显下降。因此,有人建议加强欧盟的社会维度,并在这方面使其公民身份更加突出。在新冠疫情爆发及其对欧盟成员国的医疗保健系统和经济造成压力之后,这样的建议变得更加热门。以针对该建议的辩论为出发点,我论证认为,在试图增强其社会维度之前,欧盟应首先尝试加强其仍然薄弱的政治基础,以应对其困境。本文还表明,这一举措与欧洲一体化进程背后的基本原理是一致的,在欧洲一体化进程中,经济问题最初被视为实现更紧密的政治联盟的唯一手段。 (Chinese) [ FROM AUTHOR] Copyright of Politics & Policy is the property of Wiley-Blackwell and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full . (Copyright applies to all s.)

Educação Temática Digital ; 24(1):53-70, 2022.
Article in Portuguese | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-1988770


A proposta deste artigo é oferecer um mapeamento a respeito de certos impactos sociais, culturais, econômicos, psicológicos e pedagógicos da pandemia de Covid-19 e, dentro deste cenário, pensar como uma proposta de experiência audiovisual pode contribuir no processo pedagógico de compreensão deste momento. Algumas formas autônomas de trabalho ganharam força e disseminação em meio ao isolamento forçado. Termos como home-office, ‘teletrabalho’, ‘ensino remoto’, ‘cursos on-line’, palestras, webinars, ‘startups de inovação digital’ e outras narrativas ganharam força. Em contexto de afastamento social os professores enfrentaram desafios e buscaram soluções para encontrar uma sobrevivência. E, em meio a todas estas implicações e agenciamentos colocados por essa realidade ao espaço da escola, às subjetividades profissionais de professores (e alunos) atravessados pelas visibilidades e dos recursos midiáticos e de novas temporalidades, precisamos compreender um pouco sobre o impacto de certos comportamentos neste novo contexto social. Neste sentido, compartilhamos a experimentação audiovisual realizado via telefone celular em uma turma de ensino fundamental. A proposta é a produção de pequenos ‘vídeo-cartas pandêmicas’ que captassem planos, imagens, objetos, rotinas, histórias, momentos que, na visão do aluno, seriam ilustrativos de uma emoção e/ou reflexão destes tempos de distanciamento.Alternate : The purpose of this article is to provide a mapping of certain social, cultural, economic, psychological and pedagogical impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic and, within this scenario, to think about how a proposal for an audiovisual experience can contribute to the pedagogical process of understanding this moment. Some autonomous forms of work gained strength and spread amid forced isolation. Terms such as home-office, telework‘, remote learning’, ’online courses’, lectures, webinars, ‘digital innovation startups’ and other narratives gained traction. In a context of social distancing, teachers faced challenges and sought solutions to find survival. And, amidst all these implications and arrangements placed by this reality on the school space, on the professional subjectivities of teachers (and students) crossed by visibilities and media resources and new temporalities, we need to understand a little about the impact of certain behaviors in this new social context. In this sense, we share the audiovisual experimentation carried out via cell phone in an elementary school class. The proposal is the production of small 'pandemic video-letters' that capture plans, images, objects, routines, stories, moments that, in the student's view, would be illustrative of an emotion and/or reflection of these times of distancing.Alternate : El propósito de este artículo es brindar un mapeo de ciertos impactos sociales, culturales, económicos, psicológicos y pedagógicos de la pandemia Covid-19 y, dentro de este escenario, pensar cómo una propuesta de experiencia audiovisual puede contribuir al proceso pedagógico. de entender este momento. Algunas formas autónomas de trabajo cobraron fuerza y ​​se extendieron en medio del aislamiento forzado. Términos como oficina en casa, trabajo a distancia ", aprendizaje remoto", "cursos en línea", conferencias, seminarios web, "empresas emergentes de innovación digital" y otras narrativas ganaron terreno. En el contexto del aislamiento social, los maestros enfrentaron desafíos y buscaron soluciones para encontrar una supervivencia. Y, en medio de todas estas implicaciones y arreglos que coloca esta realidad en el espacio escolar, en las subjetividades profesionales de los docentes (y estudiantes) atravesadas por visibilidades y recursos mediáticos y nuevas temporalidades, es necesario comprender un poco el impacto de determinadas conductas en este nuevo contexto social. En este sentido, compartimos la experimentación audiovisual realizada a través del teléfono celular en una clase de primaria. La propuesta es la producción de pequeñas 'video-cartas pandémicas' que capturan planos, imágenes, objetos, rutinas, historias, momentos que, a juicio del alumno, serían ilustrativos de una emoción y / o reflejo de estos tiempos lejanos.

Revista de Educacion y Derecho ; 24, 2021.
Article in Spanish | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-1902591


Para el presente artículo se planteó como objetivo: explorar si el impacto de fenómenos de la complejidad en la formación jurídica se ha visto acelerado por la pandemia de COVID-19. Para ello, a través de una metodología analítica, se seleccionaron tres fenómenos asociados a la complejidad: Discontinuidad, multidisciplinariedad y sociedad de la información, en torno a cada uno de ellos se plasmaron algunas reflexiones teóricas, que permitieron describirlos y desarrollar una escala de percepción, la cual se aplicó en dos grupo de estudiantes de doctorado a través de un muestreo intencional, los resultados permitieron concluir que cada uno de los fenómenos mencionados es considerado más necesario para la formación de licenciados en derecho de lo que era antes de la pandemia, lo cual remarca el reto de incorporarlos en la formación jurídica.Alternate : This article aims to explore whether the impact of complexity phenomena on legal education has been accelerated by the COVID 19 pandemic. For this, through an analytical methodology, three phenomena associated with complexity were selected: Discontinuity, multidisciplinarity and information society, around each of them some theoretical reflections were reflected, which allowed them to be described and developed a perception scale , which was applied in two groups of doctoral students through an intentional sampling, the results allowed to conclude that each of the aforementioned phenomena is considered more necessary for the training of law graduates than it was before the pandemic, which highlights the challenge of incorporating them into legal training.

Revista Española de Ciencia Política ; - (57):111-137, 2021.
Article in Spanish | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-1716335


El éxito en la construcción de buena gobernanza necesita de la confluencia de, al menos, tres variables: a) una coyuntura crítica;b) reformas iniciales que generen organizaciones de accountability horizontal, y c) una coalición de diversas fuerzas políticas y sociales con suficiente capacidad para superar los obstáculos de la acción colectiva y los puntos de veto del sistema. Este trabajo indaga en la labor de las organizaciones no gubernamentales (ONG) en esa coalición durante la pandemia provocada por la COVID-19. Utilizando una metodología propia del enfoque de la grounded theory, se usaron dos conceptos de sensibilización: el de buena gobernanza y el de social accountability. Con todo ello, se pudieron identificar veinte ONG para narrar la actividad de control sobre la integridad de la gobernanza en España. Se definió como unidad de estudio objetivo las campañas y, tras un análisis teórico y de revisión de literatura, se identificó qué se podía considerar éxito en este tipo de actividades de control social. Finalmente, desde la propia visión de los sujetos de estudio, se analizaron dos campañas desarrolladas durante la pandemia. En ellas se pudo comprobar la importancia que dan las ONG a un enfoque estratégico frente a la mera confrontación, y muy esencialmente, la importancia de trabajar en coalición interna y con los actores públicos dedicados a labores de accountability horizontal.Alternate : Success in building good governance requires the confluence of at least three variables: a) a critical juncture;b) initial reforms to generate horizontal accountability organizations;and c) a coalition of diverse political and social forces with sufficient capacity to overcome the collective action obstacles and the veto points of the system. This article investigates the work developed by NGOs in this coalition during the pandemic caused by COVID-19. Following the grounded theory approach, two sensitization concepts were used, namely, «good governance» and «social accountability». With all this, twenty NGOs were identified to narrate the control on governance integrity in Spain. Campaigns were defined as the target unit of study and, after a theoretical analysis and literature review, the understanding of success in this type of social control activities was established. Finally, two campaigns developed during the pandemic were analyzed from the NGOs’ point of view. These campaigns showed the importance that NGOs in this field give to a strategic approach instead of mere confrontation and, more in particular, the importance of working in an internal coalition and with public actors engaged in horizontal accountability.

Reumatol Clin (Engl Ed) ; 17(5): 284-289, 2021 May.
Article in English, Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: covidwho-997480


Ultrasound is a widely implemented imaging modality in rheumatology practice that implies a great interaction between patient and professional. The COVID-19 pandemic requires a change in our clinical practice, through the adoption of new strategies that allow comprehensive care for our patients, guaranteeing the safety of both patients and healthcare professionals. OBJETIVE: Our objective was to develop practical recommendations, agreed among a panel of experts, on the use and safety of rheumatological ultrasound during the COVID-19 pandemic. METHODS: We performed a narrative review of the available literature. Based on the literature review, we produced preliminary recommendations that were subsequently agreed among a panel of experts using the Delphi methodology with a 1-5 Likert scale. Agreement for each recommendation was considered if 75% of the panel members scored the item ≥4 on the Likert scale. RESULTS: 5 overarching principles and 28 recommendations were issued and agreed among the panel. Group consensus was achieved in 100% of items. CONCLUSIONS: The document provides useful information about preventive measures in the practice of ultrasound in rheumatology in times of a COVID-19 pandemic based on the experience and literature available to date.

COVID-19/prevention & control , Infection Control/standards , Pandemics , Rheumatology/methods , Ultrasonography , COVID-19/transmission , Disinfection/methods , Disinfection/standards , Equipment Contamination/prevention & control , Gels , Humans , Infection Control/methods , Infectious Disease Transmission, Patient-to-Professional/prevention & control , Infectious Disease Transmission, Professional-to-Patient/prevention & control , Microscopic Angioscopy/instrumentation , Microscopic Angioscopy/methods , Oils , Personal Protective Equipment , Rheumatic Diseases/diagnostic imaging , SARS-CoV-2 , Ultrasonography/instrumentation , Ultrasonography/methods
Rev. adm. pública (Online) ; 54(4): 936-951, jul.-ago. 2020. graf
Article in Portuguese | WHO COVID, LILACS (Americas) | ID: covidwho-818274


Resumo Este texto discute a atuação da sociedade civil na ação pública para o enfrentamento das consequências da pandemia da COVID-19 no Brasil. Partindo de uma lente pragmatista de análise, examinamos as ações coletivas da sociedade civil no combate aos efeitos da COVID-19, ressaltando suas características, seus alcances e seus limites na governança dessa crise. Para tanto, em primeiro lugar, por meio de um levantamento documental, analisamos a mobilização recente da sociedade civil e, depois, examinamos a realidade da cidade de Florianópolis, a qual acompanhamos mais de perto, mediante pesquisa de campo. Os resultados permitem construir um panorama da atuação dessas "redes invisíveis" e lançar pistas sobre as consequências e os desafios dessa atuação. As conclusões chamam a atenção para a necessidade de explorar mais a fundo o papel, as possibilidades e os dilemas da sociedade civil na produção de uma "governança experimentalista" em resposta aos inúmeros desafios impostos pela crise causada por essa pandemia no âmbito local.

Resumen Este texto analiza el papel de la sociedad civil en la acción pública para enfrentar las consecuencias de la pandemia de COVID-19 en Brasil. Partiendo de una perspectiva de análisis pragmática, examinamos las acciones colectivas promovidas por los actores de la sociedad civil en Brasil en la lucha contra la COVID-19, destacando sus características, su alcance y sus límites en la gobernanza de esta crisis. Para ello, primero, a través de análisis documental, investigamos la reciente movilización de la sociedad civil en el país y, en un segundo momento, examinamos la realidad de la ciudad de Florianópolis, que seguimos más de cerca, a través de investigación de campo. Los resultados permiten construir una visión general de la acción de estas "redes invisibles" y proporcionar pistas sobre sus consecuencias y desafíos. Las conclusiones llaman la atención sobre la necesidad de explorar más a fondo el papel, las perspectivas y dilemas de la sociedad civil en la producción de una "gobernanza experimentalista" en respuesta a los numerosos desafíos planteados por la crisis causada por esta pandemia a nivel local.

Abstract This text discusses the role of civil society in public action to face the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil. Based on a pragmatic approach, the study examines the collective actions promoted by civil society actors in Brazil, highlighting the characteristics, scope, and limits in the governance of this crisis. The study uses documental analysis to observe the recent mobilization of civil society in the country and field research to explore the reality of the city of Florianópolis. The results offer an overview of the performance of "invisible networks" of civil society actors, pointing out the challenges and outcomes of their actions. The findings suggest the need for further studies exploring the role, perspectives, and dilemmas of civil society in the production of "experimentalist governance" in response to the numerous challenges posed by the pandemic at the local level.

Humans , Male , Female , Public Policy , Adaptation, Psychological , Coronavirus Infections , Health Governance , Civil Society
Rev. adm. pública (Online) ; 54(4): 923-935, jul.-ago. 2020. graf
Article in Portuguese | WHO COVID, LILACS (Americas) | ID: covidwho-818270


Resumo A pandemia da COVID-19 é um exemplo de grande emergência que desafia a administração pública ocasionalmente. A despeito da variedade de eventos dessa natureza, recai sobre o governo, majoritariamente, a responsabilidade pelas ações emergenciais nesses momentos. Organizações da Sociedade Civil (OSCs) podem, no entanto, contribuir para uma resposta rápida e adequada a tais ocorrências. Neste artigo, são discutidas as características das OSCs que as habilitam a contribuir para as medidas de emergência adotadas pelos governos. Analisa-se também a possibilidade de ampliação dos arranjos colaborativos entre governos e OSCs.

Resumen La pandemia de COVID-19 es un ejemplo de gran emergencia que ocasionalmente desafía a la administración pública. A pesar de la variedad de eventos de esa naturaleza, el gobierno es el principal responsable de las acciones de emergencia en esos momentos. Sin embargo, las organizaciones de la sociedad civil (OSC) pueden contribuir a una respuesta rápida y adecuada a estas emergencias. Este artículo analiza las características de las OSC que las califican para contribuir a las medidas de emergencia adoptadas por los gobiernos. También se analiza la posibilidad de ampliación de los acuerdos de colaboración entre gobiernos y OSC.

Abstract The COVID-19 pandemic is an example of a large-scale emergency that defies public administration. There is a variety of large-scale emergency events, and the government is responsible for responding to such situations. Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) can contribute to a fast and appropriate response to these emergencies. This article discusses the characteristics of CSOs that qualify them to contribute to the government's emergency responses. We also analyze possible collaborative arrangements between governments and CSOs.

Humans , Male , Female , State Government , Public Administration , Intersectoral Collaboration , Coronavirus Infections , Public-Private Sector Partnerships , Civil Society
Nefrologia (Engl Ed) ; 40(3): 272-278, 2020.
Article in English, Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: covidwho-611251


INTRODUCTION: The recent appearance of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus pandemic has had a significant impact on the general population. Patients on renal replacement therapy (RRT) have not been unaware of this situation and due to their characteristics they are especially vulnerable. We present the results of the analysis of the COVID-19 Registry of the Spanish Society of Nephrology. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The Registry began operating on March 18th, 2020. It collects epidemiological variables, contagion and diagnosis data, signs and symptoms, treatments and outcomes. It is an online registry. Patients were diagnosed with SARS-CoV-2 infection based on the results of the PCR of the virus, carried out both in patients who had manifested compatible symptoms or had suspicious signs, as well as in those who had undergone screening after some contact acquainted with another patient. RESULTS: As of April 11, the Registry had data on 868 patients, from all the Autonomous Communities. The most represented form of RRT is in-center hemodialysis (ICH) followed by transplant patients. Symptoms are similar to the general population. A very high percentage (85%) required hospital admission, 8% in intensive care units. The most used treatments were hydroxychloroquine, lopinavir-ritonavir, and steroids. Mortality is high and reaches 23%; deceased patients were more frequently on ICH, developed pneumonia more frequently, and received less frequently lopinavir-ritonavir and steroids. Age and pneumonia were independently associated with the risk of death. CONCLUSIONS: SARS-CoV-2 infection already affects a significant number of Spanish patients on RRT, mainly those on ICH, hospitalization rates are very high and mortality is high; age and the development of pneumonia are factors associated with mortality.

Betacoronavirus , Coronavirus Infections/epidemiology , Nephrology/statistics & numerical data , Pandemics , Pneumonia, Viral/epidemiology , Registries/statistics & numerical data , Renal Replacement Therapy/statistics & numerical data , Age Factors , Aged , COVID-19 , Chi-Square Distribution , Coronavirus Infections/drug therapy , Coronavirus Infections/mortality , Female , Hemodialysis Units, Hospital/statistics & numerical data , Humans , Intensive Care Units/statistics & numerical data , Male , Middle Aged , Pneumonia, Viral/drug therapy , Pneumonia, Viral/mortality , SARS-CoV-2 , Societies, Medical , Spain/epidemiology , Statistics, Nonparametric , Symptom Assessment/statistics & numerical data , Transplant Recipients/statistics & numerical data
Arch Cardiol Mex ; 90(Supl): 26-32, 2020.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: covidwho-595194


The COVID-19 pandemic decreed by the World Health Organization (WHO) since March 12, 2020 is wreaking havoc globally and it is a true economic, social and health challenge. Although the clinical manifestations of COVID-19 are respiratory symptoms, some patients also have cardiological symptoms. Among patients with cardiological conditions2 they represent a group of higher risk and, in fact, they are a particularly vulnerable group, due to their higher risk of contagion and greater severity in case of acquiring the disease1 those with heart failure (HF), including heart transplant (CT) and ventricular assists, as well as patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). HF is the main chronic cardiovascular disease and patients in this group are the most vulnerable for the development of more serious clinical symptoms after suffering the infection, and to a greater extent cases with advanced HF3. In fact, HF is one of the most frequent complications in patients with COVID-194. Likewise, transplant patients who require immunosuppressants to avoid graft rejection, constitute a population especially susceptible to infection and to develop more serious processes. This situation has made the National Association of Cardiologists of Mexico (ANCAM) and the Mexican Society of Cardiology (SMC) together with their respective chapters, have prepared the following recommendations for medical personnel, who participate in the care of this special group of patients in the different clinical settings, who suffer or not, of COVID-19.

La pandemia por COVID-19 decretada por la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) desde el 12 de marzo de 2020 está produciendo estragos a nivel mundial y es un verdadero reto económico, social y sanitario. Aunque las manifestaciones clínicas del COVID-19 son síntomas respiratorios, algunos pacientes también tienen síntomas cardiológicos. Dentro de los pacientes con afecciones cardiológicas2 suponen un grupo de mayor riesgo y que de hecho son un grupo especialmente vulnerable, por su mayor riesgo de contagio y mayor gravedad en caso de adquirir la enfermedad1 aquellos con insuficiencia cardiaca (IC), incluyendo al trasplante cardiaco (TC) y las asistencias ventriculares, así como los pacientes con hipertensión arterial pulmonar (HAP). La IC es la principal patología cardiovascular crónica y los pacientes en este grupo son los más vulnerables para el desarrollo de cuadros clínicos más graves tras sufrir la infección, y en mayor medida los casos con IC avanzada3. De hecho, la IC es unas de las complicaciones más frecuentes en los pacientes con COVID-194. De igual forma, los pacientes trasplantados que requieren de los inmunosupresores para evitar el rechazo del injerto, constituyen una población especialmente susceptible a la infección y a desarrollar procesos más graves. Esta situación ha hecho que la Asociación Nacional de Cardiólogos de México (ANCAM) y la Sociedad Mexicana de Cardiología (SMC) junto con sus respectivos capítulos, hayan elaborado las siguientes recomendaciones para el personal médico, que participa en la atención de este grupo especial de pacientes en los diferentes escenarios clínicos, que padezcan o no, COVID-19.

Cardiovascular Diseases/virology , Coronavirus Infections/complications , Heart Failure/virology , Pneumonia, Viral/complications , COVID-19 , Cardiovascular Diseases/physiopathology , Cardiovascular Diseases/therapy , Coronavirus Infections/epidemiology , Coronavirus Infections/virology , Heart Failure/physiopathology , Heart Failure/therapy , Humans , Mexico , Pandemics , Pneumonia, Viral/epidemiology , Pneumonia, Viral/virology , Risk Factors , Severity of Illness Index